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PET Bottles

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), is the type of plastic labelled with the #1 code on or near the bottom of bottles and containers. It is commonly used as beverage bottles for carbonated soft drinks, bottled water, milk, juice, sports and energy drinks, jars, punnets, tubs and trays for food items, bottles for household, personal care and pharmaceutical products, and sheet and film for packaging.

Discarded PET bottles are collected, baled and delivered to the recycling plant. The collected bottles are sorted according to colour and polymer, de-labelled (where possible) and the caps and rings are removed, which are generally manufactured from polypropylene for which there is a demand, so they get recycled too.

Goldlin Dimension Limited t is actively involved in a recycling operation that targets a day-to-day recovery , sorting and baling of a minimum of 200 metric tons of recyclable waste materials such as Plastic (PET Bottles), Cardboard & Paper, Steel , Aluminum and Drink Cans from solid waste stream in our facility on a monthly basis.

Our focus in this regard is to help discourage Landfilling of solid waste which is recognised as unsustainable waste management method globally, create direct employment opportunities, guarantee industrial raw material security to sustain Nigerian economy and more importantly, reduce government spending on Landfill Facility.

The long term focus of our recycling initiatives is aimed at leading the global way in the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.,”

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